We sell Russian Blue Kittens

Our kittens are of good personality and temperament, have dense,plush,silver coat.They are so sweet and friendly, very playful and entertaining. They frequently amuse themselves with toys when left alone but are ready and willing to give you their undivided attention when you are around.
          You can reserve a kitten by e-mail or phone.We can send you the pictures so you can choose the kitten you like.We have experience of selling kittens internationally.All the necessary formalities are on us, all you have to do is to meet your kitten at the airport.
+7 (916) 148-1044 Tatiana,
+7 (495) 329-4679 (home),
+7 (926) 493-1401 Katerina

Продаются русские голубые котята из питомника Jolie Preferee
Русские колубые коты

  Питомник Русских Голубых кошек Jolie Preferee
Breeder: Tatiana Buynova Moscow,Russia home: +7(916)148-1044
cell: +7(495)329-4679; +7(926)493-1401; e-mail: worldbluecats@mail.ru